Wednesday 16 May 2018

The season that was.....

Hello everyone

Am sat in a hotel in Leicester on Wednesday evening and reflecting on the end of this football season.  It is a feeling of sadness.

Congratulations to all the players for the 3-1 win this evening against Twyford and it sounded like an exciting match. 

It has been a season when we have lost more games than we have won (even when considering our good run in the Plate competition).  This has been a new experience for us as we have always been a competitive team.  None of us like loosing. But it is the manner in which we have lost that has caused me and many others frustration and disappointment. 

In all probability we will be relegated next season.  I know that there is talk of there only being two divisions next season but if we stay up it will be by re-design rather than on merit.

Essentially we have not had the commitment and respect throughout the squad this season.  I have no intention to blame anyone other than myself for what has happened this season.  It is my responsibility to ensure that we have enough players each week to be competitive and stand us with a chance to win games. 

I have always tried my best to communicate clearly with parents and players.  All I ask is for that in return.  That this has not happened and time and time again we have been left wondering who will be turning up at kick off is not fair.  It is not fair on the players who battle so hard for the team and put there all in each and every week.  It is also not fair on John who gives of his own time and is ever present through rain, snow and wind!

I know that this is felt by many in the team, players and parents and has been cited as the reason that we will be loosing some of our most loyal, talented and committed players now that the season has finished. 

I have put my heart and soul into this team.  I have really enjoyed watching the boys grow into fine young men and the friendships that are formed now will be lifelong for many.

To those players and parents who have shown such commitment and passion for Central City I say sorry.  For those moving on I say good luck and thank you.  For those staying I say see you in August for pre-season training!!




Sunday 6 May 2018

2018 Plate Cup Winners!!

Well they say football is a cruel game at times, but after the toughest of tough seasons it was simply brilliant to travel to Tiverton for the Plate final against a spirited Lympstone Youth team.

 I cant deny I was desperate for the team to win and to have a bit of a celebration at the end of a hard season.

 On a baking hot day and on the best pitch we have probably ever played on we were able to play in an open, expansive and exciting manner.

 Well done to all of the 15 lads who participated and were worthy winners of the trophy.

Thanks and credit also to John who has been a great coach and support to the players in the last few weeks. Jo took some great pictures of the match and if you haven’t seen them and want copies just let me know and I can forward them on. Thanks Jo. It was lovely to celebrate the win back at the pub as well.

 We have two matches left. Wednesday 9th May at KGV against Central United Saturday 12th May at KGV against Twyford. However we have a major problem as I understand that at least 6 players are missing due to D of E and Ten Tors. We are not allowed to play any matches at LGV after the 12th May so cannot delay it. I have appealed to the league and the Twyford manager to play it on Wednesday 16th May but will keep you posted.

 To all the players, parents and supported I thank you and congratulate you all, it was a lovely occasion and a great experience for us all. Mark